Tag Archives: carrots

Carrot Bread

7 Oct

Fresh out if the oven! Carrot Bread

I am not sure why I am on a quick bread kick… maybe because it is fall, maybe because I was looking for something interesting to do with veggies, or maybe it is because they are quick and easy to make. I love things that are not fussy. My latest creation is a carrot bread. Similar to a carrot cake, it gave me something to do with the carrots that were sitting in my fridge without much inspiration.

Again, a fairly easy recipe to pull together, minus the almost shredding of a finger in the carrot grating process. I chose a recipe that called for more rather than less carrots, just because I was trying to use up a bunch (though I probably only used three or four).

In a mixer combine:

2 eggs

1 Cups sugar

2/3 Cups oil

1 tsp vanilla

In a separate bowl sift together:

1 1/2 Cups flour

3/4 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 tsp cinnamon

3/4 tsp nutmeg*

1/4 tsp All Spice*

pinch of ground clove*

*The original recipe called for just nutmeg, but I like the mixture of allspice as well as the flavor of clove. You can mix and match to whatever your preference is. You can also omit the vanilla if you choose.

Combine flour mixture with oil/egg mixture

Then add in to your taste:

1 1/2 Cups grated/shredded carrots

1/2 Cups- 1 Cups walnuts (optional)

1/2-1 Cups raisins (optional)

1/2-1 C chocolate chips (just because I seem to add chocolate chips to everything… I mean, do they make everything better?! But again, these are optional as well.)

Pour into a loaf pan and Bake at 350F for 1 hour.

I just learned another baking tip this week- and again, it is optional. After you remove the bread from the oven, put a plate or something over the top and leave it there as it cools. It will help it retain the steam, keeping it moist and delicious.

Alternately, you can make muffins (about a 20-25 min baking time). And remember, these are healthy! They have carrots!!!